Saturday, November 27, 2010

SeDIh + CemBuRu.. :(((((

   Tepat pada pukul 11.30pm pada 27/11/2010... hati saya titiba tergerak nak buka yahoo massenger.. dah lama saya x buka.. mata saya x dapat di alihkan pada satu gambar..... tu selalu saya jadikan tempat untuk meluahkan perasaan.... tp kali ini...  :(((((  saya tengok "dia" happy sesangat dengan seorang perempuan dlm gambar profile tue... xpernah saya tengok dia bergambar dengan perempuan "sehappy" macam tue.. mungkin agak kerterlaluan kalau saya ada perasaan mcm nie tp....... 
  ~~~> dont know how I want 2 say... But life must go on....!!!! 

Friday, November 26, 2010

ToDaY I'm FaLLinG in LOVe 4 The 2nd Times.. WitH Da Same PerSon.!!!.

It is a mystery why I'm fall in love. It is a mystery how it
happens. It is a mystery when it comes. It is a mystery why
some love grows and it is a mystery why some love fails. 

Sometimes, hopefully at least once in I'm life - the gift of
love will come to me in full flower. Take hold of it and
celebrate it in all inexpressible beauty. This is the dream u and
me share. More often, it will come and take hold of me,
celebrate me for a brief moment, then move on.

~~> Remember this and keep it to your heart. Love has its time, its
own season, its own reason for coming and going. You
cannot bribe it or coerce it, or reason it into staying. You can
only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it
comes to you. But if it chooses to leave from your heart or
from the heart of your lover, there is nothing you can do and
there is nothing you should do. Love always has been and
always will be a mystery. BE GLAD THAT IT CAME TO LIVE